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trustwordie's "tongue-in-cheek" Valentine cards featured in Irish Times magazine


So happy to make the 'We Love..' page of today's Irish Times Magazine. I've included a photo of the article but have included the text too to make it easier to read.

Modern Love

article about trustwordie valentine cardsWe’re all for love, but at this time of year it can get a little irritatingly pink. No matter how great your passion, hearts and flowers aren’t for everyone, and what if you just want to tell someone, in the most non-committal way possible, that you might, ever so slightly care? Fear not, as there are some Irish brands who deal with the day in a suitably tongue-in-cheek way.
Joy Redmond’s range of Valentine cards (including this Here I Am! Card, below) range from the cynical to the somewhat romantic, for confirmed couples and random crushes - find her at 

The article also featured illustrator Lauralee Guiney's crisps and Guinness pairing, which is pretty cool. Even if you don't buy one of our trustwordie cards, buy a card that's been wordsmithed, designed and whose materials have been sourced with tender loving care for the environment by another designer just making a living, not enriching shareholders.



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