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No more New Year's Resolutions, that's a promise


I designed this card in recognition of how I bore myself making the same resolutions every year that I never keep. After a week, no a month, of overindulgence and inactivity we put ourselves under enormous pressure to change ourselves — to upgrade into a healthier, smarter and more successful prototype. To hell with New Year's resolutions, I'm done. 

What about all those resolutions I made and kept throughout the year? What about:

  • the new skills I picked up this year from that course I started/finished
  • the hours I spent reacquainting myself with a language I learned twenty years ago 
  • this small company I started
  • the volunteering I did on those committees 
  • the marathon I swam over the month of July where our group raised over €5k for Cancer research
  • the commitment I made to my club to compete in the Nationals next Spring even though I hate indoor competitions
  • the fun I had
  • the new friends I've made

I didn't make any of those resolutions last December when I was lying around feeling full and annoyed with myself for not bringing the dog for a walk in the lashing rain. 

Stop beating yourself up making stupid resolutions that don't matter and resolve to have an enriching year full of fun, friendship, stimulation and do some good for someone else while you're at it. I'll tell you this time next year what resolutions I've made and kept since but I can guarantee that a few of those listed here will still be hanging over me. At least, I'm no longer smoking!

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